2022 June Release

Asset ShelvesPermanent link for this heading

Asset shelves are used to manage the digital content and to define the access rights (“Team” action).

You can store your content directly in the shelf at top-level, or you can define a sub-structure with additional asset shelves or folders (“New” context menu command).


  • The defined team of an asset shelf only applies to this asset shelf. Contained asset shelves define their own access right context.
  • When creating a folder, terms can be assigned directly. Terms from the superordinate folder are proposed.
  • If fields are defined as mandatory fields in the digital asset management configuration, the “Show Invalid Assets” context menu command of the asset shelf can be used to generate an overview of assets with missing values in mandatory fields.


General Settings” tab

  • Name
    The name of the configuration.
  • Subject
    A description of the configuration.
  • Enable Notification
    Defines for the current user whether notifications are sent.
  • Restrict Shortcuts Within Teamroom
    Defines which type of shortcuts may be stored in the shelf. You can restrict the permitted shortcuts to objects that are assigned to the organization or to objects that are assigned to the shelf. In this way, you can prevent, for example, that shortcuts are stored to which the members of the shelf do not have access.
  • Restrict the Downloading or Opening of Content on the Device
    Allows to restrict team members who can open or download content at the device.
  • All Team Members May Add Members
    Defines whether all team members can add users to the team or only team members with “Full Control”.
    Members with change access may grant or revoke change access or read access to other members. Members with read access may grant or revoke read access to other members.
  • Restrict Team Members
    Defines the organizations, organizational units, teams and external organizations whose members may be added to the shelf. If the list does not contain any entries, members can be added without restriction.
  • Main Administrator
    Defines the user who will receive the automatically generated e-mail messages concerning the shelf. Otherwise, all shelf administrators receive the e-mail messages. The user is also listed as contact in case of missing permissions.
  • Support Team
    The support team handles the organization-internal management of support requests in the respective context.

Contract/License Documents” tab

  • Contract/License Documents
    The stored documents can be referenced in the assets.

Default Values” tab

  • Default Thesaurus for New Terms
    If a default thesaurus is specified, new terms can be created directly during tagging.
  • Default Categories
    When an object is created, the specified category is assigned according to the defined object class. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Default Processes
    When an object is created, the specified process is assigned according to the defined object class or category. In the Apply to field, you can specify whether the setting applies to instances, templates, or both.
  • Additional Default Background Tasks
    When an object is created, the specified background tasks are assigned.

Note: The default properties overwrite or extend the settings in the configuration.

“Content Settings tab

  • Allow Comments
    Defines whether PDF annotations can be applied to documents.
  • Allow Public Links
    Defines whether public links may be published.
  • Generate Cover Sheet for PDF Overviews of Documents
    Defines whether a cover sheet is generated for PDF overviews of documents.
  • Use Watermarks
    Defines whether documents are automatically converted into protected PDF documents with a definable watermark.

Note: The content settings overwrite the settings in the configuration.

“Templates tab

Shows the templates provided by the shelf. In the create dialog (e.g. “New” context menu command) the templates are displayed according to the grouping by the template categories.

“Text Modules” tab

Shows the text modules provided by the shelf that can be inserted in Word documents.

“Processes” tab

Shows the processes provided by the shelf.

“Presettings” tab

Shows the presettings provided by the shelf (display settings, search forms, time intervals).