2022 June Release

Registering AssetsPermanent link for this heading

Assets that have not yet been assigned to an asset shelf can be registered to an asset shelf. In the course of registration, capturing metadata is possible. To do so, navigate to the desired asset and execute the “Register as Digital Asset” context menu command. Define an asset shelf as target. Metadata that can be extracted from the asset (e.g. Exif) is automatically taken over. The corresponding fields are highlighted in color and can be modified if necessary.


  • To assign an asset to an asset shelf, you can alternatively cut the asset and insert it into the asset shelf.
  • In the DAM configuration, you can define that the registration dialog is displayed automatically when new assets are added.
  • You can also register several assets or entire folders containing assets at once.
    • The specified values can be applied to all assets (“Apply Values for All Digital Assets” button).
    • The name prefix is added to all asset names.
    • In the Digital Assets field, the values of individual assets can also be changed. If you want to set common values and also change individual assets, always apply the common values first (“Apply Values for All Digital Assets” button) before changing the values of individual assets.
  • If you register assets via an inbox, you can use the “Define Property value” action to store the desired destination shelf in the Preferred Registration Target property. This means that when you register, not the recently used shelf is suggested, but the shelf stored in the property.