2022 June Release

Struct COOWF@1.1:WorkFlowPrescriptionList Permanent link for this heading

This struct is used to store informations about the prescriptions of an object or activity instance.

Properties Permanent link for this heading






Display Activity Only if the Participant Has Access to Affected Object



Period of Time to the Latest Possible Completion



Days to the Latest Possible Completion



Ignore Completion



Skip Invalid Participant



Started Activity Remains in All Worklists



Disable Personal Substitution



Disable Substitution



Period of Time to the Latest Possible Start



Days to the Latest Possible Start



Period of Time Until Visibility in Worklist



Days Until Visibility in Worklist



To Complete at the Latest by



To Start at the Latest by



Visible in Worklist From



Activity Back












Identifier for Activities in Related Processes






Distribution List






Manual Entry by






Nested Prescription Blocks







Properties Permanent link for this heading

Display Activity Only if the Participant Has Access to Affected Object (COOWF@1.1:actdefdisplayonlywithaccess) Permanent link for this heading

An activity instance that was generate from this activity definition, will only be display in the worklist if the participant has access to the object of the process. Note.: If the participant is a specific user an the user has no access to the object of the process, the workflow will not continue until the user get's access permissions.

boolean COOWF@1.1:actdefdisplayonlywithaccess readonly

Period of Time to the Latest Possible Completion (COOWF@1.1:actdefenddeadline) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the period of time, in which the activity instance generated from this activity definition has to be completed. The period of time is stored as number of seconds and is displayed and entered in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Note: The period of time is entered in days, hours, minutes or seconds. The unit for the time is d, day and days for the specification of days (e.g. 2d for 2 days), h, hour and hours for the specification of hours, min, minute and minutes for the specification of minutes and sec, second and seconds for the specification of seconds. If only a number is specified, the used unit is minute.

unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:actdefenddeadline readonly

Days to the Latest Possible Completion (COOWF@1.1:actdefendworkdays) Permanent link for this heading

This property supplies the deadline for completion of the activity instance using work days.

unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:actdefendworkdays readonly

Ignore Completion (COOWF@1.1:actdefignorecomplete) Permanent link for this heading

Defines whether the following activities are started before the current activity was completed.

boolean COOWF@1.1:actdefignorecomplete readonly

Skip Invalid Participant (COOWF@1.1:actdefignoreinvpart) Permanent link for this heading

An activity instance that was generated from this activity definition, will be marked as not executed and the following activities are started, if the participant is not a valid workflow participant.

boolean COOWF@1.1:actdefignoreinvpart readonly

Started Activity Remains in All Worklists (COOWF@1.1:actdefkeepstarted) Permanent link for this heading

Defines whether a started activity instance, that was generated from this activity definition, is removed from the worklists of other users.
If an activity is prescribed to a group of users, this activity is visible in the worklists of the users of that group, if it has state "Startable". This property defines what should happen, if a user starts the activity. If it is True, the activity remains in all worklists so several users can work on this activity. If the value of this property is False, the activity is left only in the worklist of the user who has started it and is removed from all other worklists.

boolean COOWF@1.1:actdefkeepstarted readonly

Disable Personal Substitution (COOWF@1.1:actdefnopersonalsubst) Permanent link for this heading

This property defines if personal substitution is allowed during execution of the activity instance.

boolean COOWF@1.1:actdefnopersonalsubst

Disable Substitution (COOWF@1.1:actdefnosubst) Permanent link for this heading

This property defines if the activity instance can be executed as substitute of the assigned participant.

boolean COOWF@1.1:actdefnosubst

Period of Time to the Latest Possible Start (COOWF@1.1:actdefstartdeadline) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the starting time for the execution of activity instances generated from this activity definition relative to the time the activity instance is received in a worklist. The period of time is stored as number of seconds and is displayed and entered in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Note: The period of time is entered in days, hours, minutes or seconds. The unit for the time is d, day and days for the specification of days (e.g. 2d for 2 days), h, hour and hours for the specification of hours, min, minute and minutes for the specification of minutes and sec, second and seconds for the specification of seconds. If only a number is specified, the used unit is minute.

unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:actdefstartdeadline readonly

Days to the Latest Possible Start (COOWF@1.1:actdefstartworkdays) Permanent link for this heading

This property supplies the deadline for starting the activity instance using work days.

unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:actdefstartworkdays readonly

Period of Time Until Visibility in Worklist (COOWF@1.1:actdefsubmitdeadline) Permanent link for this heading

This property is used to define the period of time for submission for activity instances created from this activity definition after the activity instance becomes startable. The period of time is stored as number of seconds and is displayed and entered in days, hours, minutes, and seconds.
Note: The period of time is entered in days, hours, minutes or seconds. The unit for the time is d, day and days for the specification of days (e.g. 2d for 2 days), h, hour and hours for the specification of hours, min, minute and minutes for the specification of minutes and sec, second and seconds for the specification of seconds. If only a number is specified, the used unit is minute.

unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:actdefsubmitdeadline readonly

Days Until Visibility in Worklist (COOWF@1.1:actdefsubmitworkdays) Permanent link for this heading

This property supplies the deadline for submission of the activity instance using work days.

unsigned integer COOWF@1.1:actdefsubmitworkdays readonly

To Complete at the Latest by (COOWF@1.1:actinstenddeadline) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the date and time the activity instance must be completed by the concerned user. If this date is exceeded, the user concerned gets a message when he opens his worklist, and the font effect of the activity instance changes to italic.
If the activity instance is generated from an activity definition, the completion deadline is computed from the property actdefenddeadline of the activity definition, when the activity instance gets startable.

date COOWF@1.1:actinstenddeadline local readonly

To Start at the Latest by (COOWF@1.1:actinststartdeadline) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the date and time the activity instance must be started by the user. If this date is exceeded, the user concerned gets a message when he opens his worklist. If the activity instance is to be executed in background this time defines when the AT service should execute it.
If the activity instance is generated from an activity definition, the start deadline is computed from the property actdefstartdeadline of the activity definition, when the activity instance gets startable.

date COOWF@1.1:actinststartdeadline local readonly

Visible in Worklist From (COOWF@1.1:actinstsubmitdeadline) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the date and time, when the activity must be submitted in the work list. If a user opens the work list and this deadline is reached, the activity is automatically put into the "To Do" list and removed from the list of suspended activities.

date COOWF@1.1:actinstsubmitdeadline local readonly

Activity Back (COOWF@1.1:wfsactdefback) Permanent link for this heading

This property is used to store in a prescription entry the activity definition, that is used to generate an activity instance back to the current user after the prescribed activity. In contrast to actdefprescrback this is an individual activity back for every single prescribed activity, not a common activity back to the current user for all prescribed activities. If not defined, no activity back to the current user is created.

ActivityDefinition COOWF@1.1:wfsactdefback invisible

Activity (COOWF@1.1:wfsactdefprescr) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the prescribed activity definition, that is used to create an activity instance, when the prescription is executed.

ActivityDefinition COOWF@1.1:wfsactdefprescr not null readonly

Escalation (COOWF@1.1:wfsescalation) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the escalation definition that is to be used for activity. If set this property overrides the inheritance of the activity definition.

EscalationDefinition COOWF@1.1:wfsescalation

Group (COOWF@1.1:wfsgroup) Permanent link for this heading

This property defines the group the prescribed activity is assigned to. This property duplicates the group in property wfsparticipant for the purpose of easier editing by the user.

Group COOWF@1.1:wfsgroup readonly

Identifier for Activities in Related Processes (COOWF@1.1:wfsinstcommonid) Permanent link for this heading

This property stores an identifier activity instances which are started at the same time for the commonly started processes

string COOWF@1.1:wfsinstcommonid readonly invisible

Multi-Instance (COOWF@1.1:wfsmultiple) Permanent link for this heading

This property stores if the line represents a single activity or if the line should be resolved to a multiple instance activity

MultiInstanceType COOWF@1.1:wfsmultiple not null readonly

Distribution List (COOWF@1.1:wfspartdefinition) Permanent link for this heading

This property defines the distribution list the prescribe activity is assigned to. The distribution list will be resolve when the prescription is completed and each participant will receive an own instance of the prescribed activity definition.

Object COOWF@1.1:wfspartdefinition readonly

Additional Information

Participant (COOWF@1.1:wfsparticipant) Permanent link for this heading

This property defines the organizational element the prescribed activity is assigned to.

unique WorkFlowParticipant COOWF@1.1:wfsparticipant readonly

Manual Entry by (COOWF@1.1:wfspartmansubst) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the organizational element that is the substitute for a person that is not a system user and that has the prescribed acitivity assigned to.

unique WorkFlowParticipant COOWF@1.1:wfspartmansubst readonly

Hint (COOWF@1.1:wfsremark) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the remark to a prescription.

string COOWF@1.1:wfsremark readonly

Nested Prescription Blocks (COOWF@1.1:wfssubprescrblocks) Permanent link for this heading

The nested prescription blocks of the current prescription are stored in this property

WorkFlowSubPrescriptionBlockList[] COOWF@1.1:wfssubprescrblocks

Name (COOWF@1.1:wfstitle) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the title of the activity instance which is insterted in a prescription. If set this property override the initialization from the activity definition.

unique LanguageStringList[] COOWF@1.1:wfstitle readonly

User (COOWF@1.1:wfsuser) Permanent link for this heading

This property defines the user the prescribed activity is assigned to. This property duplicates the user in property wfsparticipant for the purpose of easier editing by the user.

User COOWF@1.1:wfsuser readonly