2022 June Release

COOATTREDIT@1.1:itemcontrolstyleexpr Permanent link for this heading

Expression for Calculating the Control Styles (Overrides Property Definition)

This expression is evaluated to determine either a list of control styles (enumeration type ControlStyle) or a control style definition (object of object class ControlStyleDefinition) used to present the value of a property.
For more information see attrcontrolstyleexpr.

string[] COOATTREDIT@1.1:itemcontrolstyleexpr (
  object ::root,
  AttributeDefinition ::attribute,
  boolean ::isvalue,
  boolean ::isedit,
  boolean ::iseditcommon,
  boolean ::isdashboard,
  boolean ::issingleattribute,
  Action ::context)

Local Scope: dictionary
Global Scope: dictionary
Returns: ControlStyle[]









