2022 June Release

Class COOWF@1.1:CaseStartDefinition Permanent link for this heading

Class Hierarchy

Object > ComponentObject > ConfigurationObject > SimpleConfigurationObject > DefinitionElement > CaseStartDefinition

Objects of this class are used to define the start point of the definition of a case switch in a process definition. Case switches are represented by two objects, one representing the start point, that contains the condition, and one representing the end point.
The condition of a case switch is always based on an enumeration type. You can specify a property of that type that is used to retrieve the result of the case switch. Or you can specify an action, that is called to determine the result of the case switch.

Properties Permanent link for this heading






Predecessor Activities






Property of Switch



End of Switch



Successor Activities for Specific Property Values



Type of Switch

Properties Permanent link for this heading

Predecessor Activities (COOWF@1.1:actdefprev) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the list of process definition elements that preceed this definition element in the process definition.

unique DefinitionElement[] COOWF@1.1:actdefprev readonly

Title (COOWF@1.1:actdeftitle) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the title of an activity definition. This is a multilingual string.

unique LanguageStringList[] COOWF@1.1:actdeftitle readonly

Property of Switch (COOWF@1.1:defcaseattribute) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the enumeration property that is used as criterion for the CASE-element. The path of the CASE-element that has to be completed depends on the value of this property. The object the process instance created from this definition is assigned to must have this property.

AttributeEnumDef COOWF@1.1:defcaseattribute readonly

End of Switch (COOWF@1.1:defcaseend) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the end part of the CASE-element definition in a process definition.

CaseEndDefinition COOWF@1.1:defcaseend not null readonly

Successor Activities for Specific Property Values (COOWF@1.1:defcasenext) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the list of start definition elements for the particular paths of the CASE-element. One of these paths has to be completed in order to complete the CASE-element. The value of the CASE-element property or the result of the evaluation action determines which of these path has to be completed.

unique CaseNextDefinitionList[] COOWF@1.1:defcasenext not null readonly

Type of Switch (COOWF@1.1:defcasetype) Permanent link for this heading

Defines the type of the result of CASE-element evaluation action in a process definition. This enumeration type is needed to label the various parts in a CASE-element appropriately.

TypeEnumDef COOWF@1.1:defcasetype readonly